Stephen Metcalfe, MP for South Basildon and East Thurrock, recently attended an event in Parliament to hear more about the Big Help Out 2024.
Hosted by the Together Coalition (also called “/together”) and their official partner Asda, Stephen was provided with information on local volunteering opportunities that are taking place during the Big Help Out 2024 which runs 7–9 June. Many of these opportunities are being organised by Asda’s 390 Community Champions.
The Big Help Out brings together millions of people from across the UK to join the biggest mass-volunteering event of the year. The campaign empowers influential organisations by providing a platform to recruit new volunteers who will go on to support important missions that benefit our communities. The Big Help Out is open to all, and any organisation or individual can join in with or register an event via the platform. Thousands of organisations and individuals take part.
The Together Coalition is a coalition of hundreds of organisations across the UK, committed to building kinder, closer, and more connected communities. Asda has been working with the Together Coalition since May 2023 and, to support the Big Help Out, will promote volunteering opportunities through its network of stores and 390 Community Champions, with the aim to building connected communities, strengthening resilience, and removing barriers to health and wellbeing for all.
Information on local opportunities can be found here.
Speaking at the event, Stephen Metcalfe said: “I thank the Together Coalition and Asda for everything they are doing to support the Big Help Out 2024. This is a very valuable event that brings so much benefit to our communities. Please do check out their website or the Big Help Out App – there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in the constituency and beyond.”
Carys Clyde, Asda Community Manager, added: “At Asda we know that, as a large UK retailer, we have the ability and the responsibility to make a significant impact on the local communities we serve, and we are committed to driving a long term positive social impact. We know that grass roots groups are key to building connected communities and that volunteering support is vital to these groups, which is why we are proud to partner with the Big Help Out. Volunteering allows our customers and colleagues to connect with their local community and make a difference.”
Jon Knight, CEO of the Together Coalition, said: “Whether you want to give back or learn new skills and make new friends; whether you want to connect to a cause and support a local food bank, or coach a nearby sports club; whether you have a little time or a lot, in-person or online, you will find something on The Big Help Out.
So, visit the website or download the Big Help Out App and join our amazing partners Asda, and millions more around the UK, to lend a hand where you live.”