Stephen Metcalfe, MP for South Basildon & East Thurrock, visited Basildon Hospital with the Mayor of Thurrock, last week, to celebrate its 50th Anniversary with balloons, speeches and the burial of a time capsule.
On Friday 31 March, Stephen attended Basildon Hospital’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. The highlight of the event was the burying of a time capsule near the Hospital’s renal department. It was a team effort and Stephen was accompanied by James Halden, the Mayor of Thurrock, Tom Abell, CEO of EEAST Ambulance Service, Fiona Ryan, Acting Managing Director at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust and Pamela and Rosie Kirkman.
Rosie Kirkman is 8 years old and has been coming to Basildon Hospital since she was 6 weeks old. She has a genetic condition called KGB syndrome, which means she needs frequent stays in hospital.
Pamela Kirkman, Rosie’s mother, said: “It was a real privilege to be asked to be part of this special day and to see the time-capsule buried. We are so grateful to the nurses and doctors here, who are absolutely fantastic, they make our stays as pleasant as possible.”
The silver capsule contains historic photos, poems written by staff, a photo of the Hospital’s leadership team and a collection of Trust-branded items, including a pen, lanyard and copies of the Trust’s Your Hospital magazine and Mid and South Essex Hospitals Charity newsletter.
After burying the time capsule, Stephen attended a reception at the Hospital for staff and members of the local community. There were balloons, decorations and 1970s-inspired food in the paediatric, maternity and emergency departments.
Basildon Hospital opened on 1 April 1973 and has since treated millions of patients. Its original facilities have grown with the addition of the 321-bed Jubilee Wing in 2002, a dermatology centre in 2004 and the world-renowned Essex Cardiothoracic Centre in 2007.
Fiona Ryan said: “Today was a chance for us to pause and reflect on everything that has been achieved over the last 50 years, where for half a century we have provided care to our local population, from birth through to last moments.
I have been blessed to work in many fantastic teams since joining the radiology department in 2007, when I was first introduced to the Basildon way.
Passion, commitment and a good-natured humour remain the hallmark of what I see every day.”
Stephen Metcalfe said: “It was great to be a part of Basildon Hospital’s 50th Birthday celebrations. I want to personally thank the whole team at Basildon Hospital and give my thanks on behalf of all my constituents. Rosie Kirkman’s experience of treatment at the Hospital is like so many others – nurses, doctors and clinicians making a stay in hospital as pleasant an experience as possible. Their hard work, expertise and empathy are unmatchable. Here’s to 50 more years!’